Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quick Guide on Buying Personal Computers

Are you planning to buy your first PC or you would like to purchase a new one? There are hundreds of brands and models available online and on traditional PC stores which makes choosing a computer an overwhelming task.
Computers are definitely an investment so be careful on choosing because you don't want to spend your money to end up with something unreliable or those loaded with features that you wouldn't need anyway. Below are quick tips and guides on buying a Personal computer;
1. What is your alloted budget? You could dream of having the most high end personal computer but will your fund tally with it's price tag? Set a range for the amount that you are willing to spend, keep in mind that you will be buying an investment so don't be too frugal but at the same time do not overspend.
2. Decide whether you need a desktop or a laptop. Will you need it for computer works that can be done at home or do you need a portable laptop which you can bring at the office, school or almost everywhere.
3. Determine the features that you want in your computer. Will you need something with basic specs or do you need a customized PC that can cater to your gaming or multimedia needs. Do you want a PC with built-in web cam or would you want to buy it separately.
4. Have a short list of PC manufacturers that you want and trust your money on. You can research online for reviews and testimonials about PC lines.
5. Choose the Operating System(OS) for your computer. Most PCs are Windows-based because of the popularity of Microsoft's OS & most software are compatible with their OS. On the other hand their main rival is Mac, who boasts their speed and performance. It is highly recommended for multimedia creation which involves graphics or video editing. But the main disadvantage is most popular softwares do not support Mac's OS.
6. If possible, select the software that will be included and make sure that those that will be installed are the applications that really need because often times you would pay for additional costs for installed software that you don't even use.
7. Check out the technical support offered by the company. It will be handy to have a reliable and accessible sales support if your computer breaks down .
Before buying a PC and after reading these quick tips, you can browse online for product reviews, price comparison and more! As mentioned earlier, personal computers are investments so it won't hurt to research a thing or two before deciding what PC to buy.

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